
Current Report 10/2015

Only the Polish version of this document is legally binding.

This translation is provided for information only.

Every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of this publication.

The Management Board of INPRO S.A. (further the "Company") informs that on 5 March 2015 it received information on the registration by the Gdańsk-North District Court in Gdańsk, 7th Business Division of the National Court Register, on the basis of the decision of 16/02/2015, of the increase of a subsidiary of INPRO S.A., inBed Sp. z o.o. with its registered office in Kolbudy.

On 06/11/2014 the Extraordinary General Meeting of inBed Sp. z o.o. (the company still acting under the business name of RUGBY Prefabrykaty Sp. z o.o.) adopted resolution No. 2/2014 under which that company's share capital was increased from PLN 5,331,200 to PLN 6,331,192, i.e. by the sum of PLN 999,992, by way of creation of 17,857 new shares of the nominal value of PLN 56 each, with the exclusion of the right of priority of a shareholder, A. Meronk, to subscribe for the newly created shares. INPRO S.A. subscribed for all the newly created shares in the increased share capital of inBed Sp. z o.o. and covered those shares by cash.

Before the increase of the capital, the Company held 48,552 shares of the total value of PLN 2,718,912.00, which constituted 51% of the share capital of inBed Sp. z o.o.
Following the registration of the capital increase, the number of the shares held by the Company in inBed Sp. z o.o. is 66,409 shares of the total nominal value of PLN 3,718,904.00, that amount constituting 58.74% of the share capital.
Detailed legal grounds: § 5 par. 1 item 9 of the Regulation of the Minister of Finance of 19 February 2009 on current and periodic information submitted by the issuers of securities and on the conditions for regarding information required by the law of a non-member state as equivalent (Dz. U. [Journal of Laws] of 2009, No. 33, item 259 of 28 February 2009, as amended).

Legal grounds: Article 56 par. 1 item 2 of the Public Offering Act – current and periodic information
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