
Current Report 22/2021

Registration of the amendment to the Statutes and of the consolidated text of the Statutes of INPRO SA
Only the Polish version of this document is legally binding.
This translation is provided for information only.
Every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of this publication.
In relation to the adoption by the Company's Ordinary General Assembly (the "GA") on 28 June 2021 of resolution No. 13/2021 on the amendment of the Statutes and resolution No. 14/2021 on the adoption of the consolidated text of the Statutes, as advised in current report No. 17/2021 of 28 June 2021, the Management Board of INPRO S.A. (the "Company") informs that on 29 September 2021 the Company received a ruling of 26/07/2021 issued by the Gdańsk-North District Court in Gdańsk, 7th Business Division of the National Court Register, on the registration of the amendment to the Statutes in conformity with the above-mentioned resolution of the GA, that is: 
1. the provision of § 10 of the Company's Statutes was amended in such manner that §10 para. 9 point “f” was amended and reads as follows:
“f) express consent to the performance by the Management Board of activities consisting in the acquisition, transfer and encumbrance of real estate or the perpetual usufruct right if the value of such real estate or right or an encumbrance on it exceeds PLN 40,000,000.00 (forty million zlotys), or whose encumbrance exceeds PLN 40,000,000.00 (forty million zlotys)”.
2. the provision of § 10 of the Company's Statutes was amended in such a way that the dot in § 10 para. 9 point “n” has been replaced by a coma, following which, as part of the list in that paragraph, the next point marked as “point o)” has been added reading as follows:
“o) adopt the Company’s diversity policy in relation to the Management Board and Supervisory Board”
The consolidated texts of the Company's Statutes with the previous and new wording registered in the National Court Register by the ruling described above constitute an appendix to this report. The Company also informs that the consolidated text of the Statutes was provided in the Company's current report No. 17/2021 of 28 June 2021 regarding the wording of the resolutions of the Company adopted at the General Assembly on 28/06/2021.
Detailed legal grounds: § 5 item 1) of the Regulation of the Minister of Finance of 29 March 2018 on current and periodic information submitted by the issuers of securities and on the conditions for regarding information required by the law of a non-member state as equivalent (Dz.U. [Journal of Laws] 2018.757).
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