Current Report 24/2020
Establishing the Supervisory Board for the new term of office
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Further to current report No. 21/2020 of 25 June 2020, which advised of the selection by the Ordinary General Assembly of the members of the Supervisory Board for the new term of office, the Management Board of INPRO S.A. (the “Company”) informs that the first session of the Supervisory Board was held on 9 July 2020. As that session, in conformity with the provisions of §7 of the By-Laws of the Supervisory Board of INPRO S.A., the Supervisory Board elected, from among its members, the Chairman, Mr Jerzy Glanc, the Vice-Chairman of the Supervisory Board, Mr Krzysztof Gąsak, and the Secretary of the Supervisory Board, Mr Łukasz Maraszek.
Pursuant to § 10 para. 19 of the Company’s Statutes, the Supervisory Board: also appointed new members of the Audit Committee:
1) Ms Beata Krzyżagórska-Żurek
2) Mr Jerzy Glanc
2) Mr Krzysztof Gąsak
3) Mr Mariusz Linda
The Company’s Management Board informs that the Audit Committee in the bench mentioned above meets the independence criteria and other requirements set out in Article 129 paragraphs 1, 3, 5 and 6 of the Act of 11 May 2017 on statutory auditors, audit firms and public supervision, however, the Chairperson of the Audit Committee will be appointed at the first session of the Committee held by its new bench.
Detailed legal grounds: § 5 item 5) in connection with §10 of the Regulation of the Minister of Finance of 29 March 2018 on current and periodic information submitted by the issuers of securities and on the conditions for regarding information required by the law of a non-member state as equivalent (Dz.U. [Journal of Laws] 2018.757)