Current Report 28/2017
Only the Polish version of this document is legally binding.This translation is provided for information only.
Every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of this publication.
In relation to the adoption by the Company's Extraordinary General Assembly (the "GA") on 28 September 2017 of the resolution on the amendment of the Statutes and the resolution on the adoption of the consolidated text of the Statutes, the Management Board of INPRO S.A. (the "Company") announces the previous provisions of the Statutes, the wording of the amendments and the consolidated text of the Company' Statutes.
The amendments made to the Company's Statutes are as follows:
1) amending § 10 par. 9 of the Company's Statutes in such manner that the dot after point "j" shall be replaced with a coma, after which new point "k" shall be added which shall read as follows:
"adopt the By-Laws of the Audit Committee"
2) instead of the current wording of §10 par. 19 of the Company's Statutes reading as follows:
"In the event that the Supervisory Board is appointed in the bench consisting of not more than 5 (five) members, and at least one of them is an independent member referred to in par. 12 and holds qualifications in accounting or financial revision, the Supervisory Board shall perform the tasks of the audit committee in corpore."
the following new wording of § 10 par. 19 shall be introduced:
No other changes of the Company's Statutes were made.
The consolidated text of the Company's Statutes taking the amendments identified in this report into account is attached to this report.
Detailed legal grounds: § 38 par. 1 item 2 point b of the Regulation of the Minister of Finance of 19 February 2009 on current and periodic information submitted by the issuers of securities and on the conditions for regarding information required by the law of a non-member state as equivalent (Dz. U. [Journal of Laws] of 2009, No. 33, item 259 of 28 February 2009, as amended).
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