
Current Report 31/2021

Information on dismissal of the Vice President of the Company's Management Board, Mr Piotr Stefaniak, and on changes in the number of the members of the Company’s Management Board

Only the Polish version of this document is legally binding.
This translation is provided for information only.
Every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of this publication.

The Management Board of INPRO S.A. with its registered office in Gdańsk (the "Company", "Issuer") informs that today the Supervisory Board of the Company adopted resolution No. 22/2021 on dismissal of Mr Piotr Janusz Stefaniak from the function of Vice-President of the Management Board of the Company and, at the same time, from the Management Board of INPRO S.A. 
The resolution became effective on the date of its adoption. The dismissal of Mr Piotr Janusz Stefaniak was effected pursuant to §7 para. 5 of the Company's Statutes and was due to important reasons concerning the health of the above-mentioned person. 

Mr Piotr Stefaniak had previously served as the President of the Company's Management Board and most recently as Vice President of the Management Board since 14 September 2020. 

The Management Board of the Company informs that it has also been advised by the Supervisory Board about the adoption of resolution no. 23/2021 by this body today. The resolution stipulates that in view of the dismissal of Mr Piotr Janusz Stefaniak from the Management Board of the Company, as of the date of adoption of the resolution, during the term of office covering the years 2018-2023, the Management Board will consist of four persons i.e. the President and three Vice Presidents. 

Thus, until the end of the current term of office, the Management Board of INPRO S.A. will consist of the following persons:
Mr Krzysztof Marian Maraszek – President of the Management Board
Mr Zbigniew Feliks Lewiński – Vice-President of the Management Board
Mr Robert Franciszek Maraszek – Vice-President of the Management Board
Mr Marcin Tomasz Stefaniak – Vice-President of the Management Board.
The Company points out that the grounds for the appointment and functions of the current Management Board of the Company are described accordingly: (i) as regards the President of the Management Board, Krzysztof Marian Maraszek, and the Vice Presidents of the Management Board, Mr Robert Franciszek Maraszek and Mr Marcin Tomasz Stefaniak, in the Company's current report No. 29/2020 of 14 September 2020, and as regards the Vice President of the Management Board, Mr Zbigniew Feliks Lewiński, in current report No. 17/2018 of 14 June 2018. 

The Company's Management Board also informs that the Company operates without any hindrances and the Management Board acts in the bench as allowed for by the regulations and the Company's Statutes and has full capacity to represent and manage the Company's affairs. 
The Management Board and Supervisory Board of INPRO S.A. wish to thank Mr Piotr Janusz Stefaniak for his commitment and work related to the creation and development of the Company.

Detailed legal grounds:
§ 5 item 4 in connection with §9 of the Regulation of the Minister of Finance of 29 March 2018 on current and periodic information submitted by the issuers of securities and on the conditions for regarding information required by the law of a non-member state as equivalent (Dz. U. [Journal of Laws] 2018.757).

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