Current Report 34/2015
Only the Polish version of this document is legally binding.This translation is provided for information only.
Every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of this publication.
The Management Board of INPRO S.A. (further the "Company") informs that on 23 July 2015 INPRO S.A.'s subsidiary, Hotel Mikołajki Sp. z o.o., became aware that the Gdańsk-North District Court in Gdańsk, 7th Business Division of the National Court Register, registered the new address of the registered office of Hotel Mikołajki i.e. 11-730 Mikołajki, Al. Spacerowa 11, in Division 2, Column 2 of the National Court Register.
The change of the company's registered office was the object of resolution No. 1/2015 of the Extraordinary General Meeting of Hotel Mikołajki on 21 May 2015. The previous address of Hotel Mikołajki was 80-320 Gdańsk, ul. Opata Jacka Rybińskiego 8.
The above information is given by the Management Board on the basis of Article 56 par. 1 item 1 of the Act of 29 July 2005 on public offering, conditions governing the introduction of financial instruments into the organised trading system, and on public companies (i.e. Dz. U. [Journal of Laws] 2013, item 1382).