
Ordinary General Assembly 5.06.2012

Resolutions of the Ordinary General Shareholders meeting of Inpro SAPDF file, size 310 KB announcement on the convocation of the ordinary general assemblyPDF file, size 170 KB Draft resolutions of the Ordinary General Assembly of INPRO S.APDF file, size 304 KB Resolution no. 6/2012 of the supervisory boardPDF file, size 122 KB Resolution No. 7/2012 of the Supervisory BoardPDF file, size 267 KB

Resolution of the Management Board regarding the payment of dividend, see Current report 20/2012
Resolution of the Supervisory Board regarding the payment of dividend, see Current report 21/2012

Information on the total number of shares in INPRO Spółka Akcyjna and the number of votes attached to these shares on the day of announcement on convening the Ordinary General Assembly of the Company, i.e. on 8.05.2012r.:

Series and type of shares Number of shares Number of votes from shares
Series A - ordinary bearer shares 30,030,000 30,030,000
Series B - ordinary bearer shares 10,010,000 10,010,000
Total 40,040.000 40,040,000

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